Wednesday, July 18, 2012

夏の熊谷 Kumagaya: The hottest place in Japan

一昨日の三連休に日本で最暑と言われる場所熊谷の 八木橋デパートに行きました。熊谷では最高の暑さだったがデパート中は低温で涼しかった。中から外出た時びっくりした。

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Searching Job In Japan

Searching job in Japan is really hard if you don't know Japanese and some little tricks. Generally new graduate hiring for April starts from October or December (in case of 2013) of previous year. I  got a job confirmation last month for April 2013 entry. Here I am explaining the steps I took during the job hunting process. First one should register in internet based job navigation websites such as RIKUNABI, MYNAVI, NIKKEIGAIJINPOT etc.

The general process is

1. Make account of job navigation websites by filling designated form
2. Search for the company you prefer
3. Bookmark and make a entry
4. Take part in company recruit seminar (会社説明会)
5. Fill up the entry sheet
6. Take SPI test, hikki test and aptitude test
7. If you pass stage 6, you will be informed for the interview (2 or 3 times)
8. If you pass stage 7, you will get 'NAI NAI TEI (内々定)' a formal offer from the company.
9. Company entry as a new graduate (入社)

There are other process of entering company too, but for this you should have meet the criteria set by the company.  Before starting job hunting in Japan, learning Japanese may be very useful...

Monday, July 2, 2012

No more zero atomic energy in Japan

First reactor, after Fukushima accident, is started today…Seems like nuclear energy is inevitable for Japan.
